The Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town group, sits under the umbrella of the Growing Compassionate Communities Charity.
The ethos and intention of the group is to support those suffering from dementia along with their families by offering practical advice guiding them with help and steering them to the local services available that they may be unaware of.
Under the Chairmanship of Michael Deane and Secretary, Emma Regan the committee has grown substantially over the past 18 months. Our committee is made up of representatives of Colten Care, The Barchester Group, Connected Living, Promedica 24, St Mary’s Church, Blue Bird Care, Prama, Abbeyfield Wessex, Dorset Mind, Care UK, Nurse Plus, and volunteers from the community.
We actively fundraise with all money donated going directly back into the community supporting those who need it most. Donating is simple using the QR code below:

We also sit on the steering committee of the much loved ‘Living Well’ community magazine published 3 times a year. Among other things it signposts the local community to groups and support in your local town. All groups listed are fully inclusive and are Dementia Friendly.
We are lucky to have a wonderful allotment, based at Longham allotments in Ferndown. Local groups are able to use this space for outside activities or just to visit and sit and enjoy the outdoors. Local Dementia Care homes use the space to visit, Dorset Mind have utilised the space for their support groups, and any produce from the allotment gets donated to the Ferndown Community Larder & Bank.
If you are interested in learning more about our group, visiting our allotment, joining our committee or would like to be signposted to a local group or organisation that can help you, please contact Michael Deane on 07900 898085.