Dementia Leaflet
Carers Booklet
Michael, , Resources, 0
There are a variety of different terms that you may have heard of associated with autism. These may be...
Autism Leaflet
Michael, , Resources, 0
There are a variety of different terms that you may have heard of associated with autism. These may be...
A Post Pandemic Response
Michael, , Resources, 0
This document takes a grassroots approach to understanding emerging themes and issues as well unmet needs in our communities....
Annual Report 2020-2021
Michael, , Resources, 0
We have seen over the past year the importance of communities, not just in practical support – delivering prescriptions...
Carpet Bowls
Michael, , Resources, 0
This leaflet seeks to provide information on how to use Carpet Bowls to aid Dementia.
Strategic Document
Michael, , Resources, 0
This document takes a grassroots approach to understanding emerging themes and issues as well unmet needs in our communities....
A Model for Action
Michael, , Resources, 0
This publication seeks to outline key principles and practice in growing a compassionate community—one that is inclusive and responsive...