Since the launch and creation of Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly community we have come a long way since our first meeting some 10 years ago when we began to explore and produce action plans in relation to how we might grow Corfe Mullen as a dementia friendly community. It has been a long a journey, and often challenging, but these were our first steps towards that goal.
To that end I would like to appeal for your help in making this happen. If you feel you can conribute to this process please do get back to me. If you would like to train as a dementia friend, ha simple requires you to attend a 1 hour awareness session, again please make contact with me.
As a community we seek to journey with both the carer and the older person with dementia, allowing them to inform and shape a dementia friendly community, a community that is safe and non –stigmatizing
- To raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Corfe Mullen Community
- To Create a safe and non-stigmatizing community where older people with dementia can live well.
- To create an environment where the carer and or older person with dementia can seek appropriate help and support
The main achievements so far:
- The launch of a community allotment. open to all groups of people
- Carer’s es support group that meets on the 2nd Friday of the month 10-12noon
- The creation of a Carpet bowls group that meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month ,2;00pm-4pm
- We are planning to create a local bereavement support group.
CMDFC subscribes to the Growing Compassionate Communities aim of growing compassionate inclusive communities.

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